Tag Archives: intellectual property


What You Don’t Know: Trade Secrets

As a business owner, if you are not thinking about trade secrets, you may be costing yourself a lot of money. One of the reasons we like to encourage business owners regularly to work with an attorney is because a good business attorney can help you spot issues you might not otherwise have considered until it's too late. Today, that issue is trade secrets. What Are Trade Secrets? Trade secrets are...

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Three Part Outline For Businesses To Begin To Protect Their Intellectual Property

This morning on anchor.fm Chris Werner talked with entrepreneurs and business owners and provided a three part outline for businesses to use to begin to protect their intellectual property. What Is Intellectual Property? Intellectual property is generally defined as anything that is produced by the human mind. There are four traditional types of intellectual property: 1) patents, such as you might have on a unique device or invention; 2) copyrights, such...

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